In Zen philosophy, there is a notion that ‘heaven, earth and I all share the same origin, and are therefore one’. In Japan, this has led to a spirit of respect for nature and a desire to live in harmony with it since ancient times. My wish is to keep this spirit alive in our hearts and minds and pass it on to the future. I am making a kekkai stone as a Dharma tool with such a prayer.
This stone can be modestly placed in your everyday space. When the stone comes into your sight, it will remind you to take a moment and observe your surroundings. While you are observing, I would like to invite you to reflect and remember, as if you are sitting in Zazen meditation, that we humans are part of nature and to notice where you are in the big picture. That is the prayer behind this stone. As time goes by, the knots of the ‘kekkai seki’ stone will naturally untie itself and return to being just a stone. All things are impermanent. Everything is forever changing.The same is true for our lives. This journey, which began before we knew it, continues to move toward an end that will surely come. Life is a series of present moments called ‘now’. How deeply and richly do we receive and appreciate each and every single moment? I hope “Za kekkai seki” will be a compass for you on your journey.
Tosei Shinabe | Work
禅僧 | Zen Monk
品部 東晟
Shinabe has been practising zazen for nine years at Kyoto’s oldest Zen temple.
He currently instructs zazen to others on a daily basis.
けっかいせき | Kekkaiseki